I was able to enjoy my EAP 120% because of them!!!
Hiroki is the group leader and he really really works very hard for our team!
Mao is a essencial person for our team! She is in charge of the finance plan, and really works hard!
Eri has unbelievable typing skill and also she is a good Englsh speaker!
Miyuki complete any tasks which she is asked to! I really respect her!
ShioriAnd me!
I love A-team soooooooooooo much!
see you next time!
good night and
have a nice summer days:)
I am Miyuki. This is my first turn!
It was free day today! So, everyone enjoyed shopping, swimming, sleeping, studying(?)... or something.
I had slept in the mornig because I was so tired.
I went to the loop in the afternoon, and bought two postcards and some gifts for my friends!
I ate sandwich for lunch. But it was almost 3o'clock...
I liked it very much!!!! I wanna eat it again.
(I wonder why there is a lot of French fries with big sandwich.)
After dinner, I went to WAL-MART.
It was so huge supermaeket. We connot see all of things in the store. It was kind of fun.
I bought cookies, some foods and backpack. (Because I have so many baggage.)
I got tired and want to sleep right now! Now!
Therefore my first blog is short. Sorry.
We are to go and see Arch tomorrow(it is already "Today").
now we are working for our business plan.
I'll do my best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have a nice dream
i love you~~~~~~~~~~
Aug.15 2009 23:55 Edit by Shiori.K